Miyerkules, Agosto 10, 2016


Ramon Guillermo
Former Visiting Research Fellow,
Dept. of Filipino and Philippine Literature
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
The recent sensational discovery of two stones inscribed in the ancient Philippine baybayin script on Ticao island in the Visayas has generated a flurry of questions and speculations among Philippine scholars and in the popular imagination. A major Philippine television station has even done a few segments on the discovery and is currently putting together a more substantial documentary. These are the first stones inscribed with the clearly identifiable baybayin script to have ever been found in the Philippines. One of the stones is a roughly triangular slab measuring approximately 57 cm long, 44 cm wide and 11 cm thick weighing around 30 kilos. The smaller stone is oblong in shape with dimensions of 20 x 18 cm and 6 cm thick. The larger slab has writing on both sides. The inscription on one side has 56 symbols while its opposite face has 86. The smaller stone has writing only on one side with a total of around 16 symbols. Some parts of the inscription on the large tablet have been damaged and it is possible that parts of the stone may have broken off on both the left and right sides.

The baybayin is a type of alphasyllabary or abugida writing system which ultimately traces its provenance, like the majority of Southeast Asian scripts, to Southern India. The word “baybay” for its part means “to spell” though it could also refer to “seashore.” Each symbol in the script stands for a consonant combined with a vowel with a default value of “a.” Depending on the position of a diacritical mark called “kudlit” above or below the symbol, it can be followed by an “e” or an “o.” The Tagalog baybayin has a total of 17 symbols. The first European chroniclers who arrived in the Philippines such as Pedro Chirino and Antonio de Morga recorded the popular use of this script among the inhabitants of the archipelago. Indeed, one of the first books printed in the Philippines in Tagalog, the Doctrina Christiana (1593) was printed with a xylographic press in both roman and baybayin scripts. An attempt in 1620 by the Spanish friar, Francisco  Lopez, to add a cross-shaped “virama” symbol, or vowel killer, in order to facilitate the writing of independent consonants and make the reading of the script easier did not prevent the roman alphabet from eventually gaining dominance. Very few fragments, letters and signatures written on paper have survived to the present day. Philippine nationalists and revolutionaries in the 19th century evinced a fascination with these early writings systems as proof of an advanced “pre-colonial” Philippine civilization. Today, the baybayin system does not have any widespread contemporary use. Children are exposed to it only in the most perfunctory manner in schools and do not actually learn it. Perhaps its main use today is as a type of ornamental font used by various government and non-government organizations or even as logos for commercial enterprises. As part of a “cultural revivalism” of sorts in the digital domain, a “baybayin community” has sprung up in the Internet where mainly the artistic and cultural value of baybayin is celebrated by means of fonts, tattoos and other paraphernalia of interest to young Filipinos living in various parts of the world in search of their roots. Only the Mangyan and Tagbanua ethnic minorities continue to use their baybayin-type scripts as part of their persistent though increasingly endangered writing traditions.
The two stones had actually been dug up by elementary students within the grounds of the Rizal Elementary School located in the municipality of Monreal on Ticao Island, Masbate more than 10 years ago (2000). During the intervening period, the stones had just been placed near the entrance of a classroom and used to wipe the mud off the slippers and shoes of the students and teachers. It was only last April of this year that the new principal, Virgie Espares Almodal, realized the value of the stones for the community. She realized that these could be a source of pride among students who could be taught by means of these that their ancestors were not illiterates but possessed their own writings. Some grade school students were immediately put to work cleaning the stones. However, these untrained “restorers” unfortunately used a sharp metal implement (allegedly a nail), to make the symbols “clearer.” Almodal then had the stones exhibited on a specially built stand in front of the school for a few weeks. It was only after some members of the community had voiced concerns that the stones might be stolen were these taken down and deposited in a safer place.
Prof. Francisco Datar, a native of nearby Magallanes, Sorsogon, was then contacted by a relative on the island who thought he might be interested in taking a look at the stones. Prof. Datar, who teaches at the Department of Anthropology at the University of the Philippines at Diliman, Quezon City, made a preliminary survey and immediately informed the Philippine National Museum about the find. He then quickly formed the “UP Ticao, Masbate Anthropological Project Team” consisting mainly of his colleagues Prof. Ricardo Nolasco (Dept. of Linguistics, UP Diliman), Arnold Azurin  (UP Archeological Studies Program), Ramon Guillermo (Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature, UP-Diliman) and Myfel Joseph Paluga (Department of Social Sciences, UP-Mindanao).

Due to the problematic circumstances of discovery, it is only right that the scientific community should be guarded about issues of authenticity surrounding the inscribed stones. However, it is still too early to make any definitive statement about these questions in either a positive or negative direction. More detailed work still has to be done in order to clarify the various mysteries clouding the provenance of the stones and the nature of the actual inscriptions themselves. Very few artifacts have been discovered in the Philippines bearing evidence of the ancient scripts which were once said to have been widely used on the islands. Indeed, the lack of reliable information about another famous artifact with baybayin writing, the so-called Calatagan pot, which was discovered in 1961, has led to perennial and unresolved questions about its authenticity. Lingering doubts about the actual origin of the so-called Laguna Copperplate, dated 900 AD, in Sanskrit and Javanese language and written in the Kawi writing system but found in Laguna Province of Luzon island, continue to persist. A more recent discovery, this time excavated in situ in an archeological site in Intramuros, Manila, is another pot with an inscription on the shoulder which seems to be in yet another still unknown script. Other objects  with short fragments of text have also been found but have never been read due to the lack of knowledge about their seemingly sui generis scripts. Due to the paucity of baybayin samples from the ancient past, the field of palaeography has never been as developed in the Philippines as it has been in Indonesia which possesses a much richer store of ancient inscriptions on copper, stone and other materials.

Fieldwork on Ticao island itself was conducted by the UP team a few weeks after Prof. Datar’s announcement of the discovery. Dozens of interviews were conducted among community members in order to cross-check and verify the accounts of the individuals directly involved in the discovery of the stones. Anthropological site mapping was done by Prof. Paluga of the vicinity where the stones were said to have been found in order to look for traces of where dwellings may have existed in the past.
Finally, the team also strove to get as accurate as possible images of the writing in order to develop faithful transcriptions of the inscriptions. Prof. Datar also brought in a group of physicists led by Prof. Maricor Soriano who did 3D imaging of the inscriptions in order to help settle some unresolved problems in transcription and in order to make the most accurate possible record of the inscriptions.
The results of the fieldwork have not yet uncovered any prima facie evidence pointing to the possibility that the inscribed stones are a hoax or a deliberate forgery. Therefore, the most pressing question which the researchers currently face are the probable dates of provenance of the inscribed stones.

Some characteristics of the inscriptions such as the seeming presence of spaces between words, the lack of vertical bars usually separating phrases and sentences in baybayin text, and the presence of diacritical marks with an outwardly similar appearance to the cross-shaped “virama” symbol introduced during the Spanish era, seem to belie a pre-colonial origin.

However, it might still be prudent to not immediately foreclose such a possibility until the inscriptions themselves can be read and the ambiguous symbols and diacritical marks given more or less certain individual values. Several anomalous features such as the apparent lack of diacritical marks on one side of the large tablet and perceptible divergences in character sets used in the inscriptions on the opposite faces of the large tablet raise even more questions. Were the two sides of the large stone slab inscribed by different persons at different times? Is the inscription on the smaller stone contemporaneous with those on the large tablet or is it from another place and time? 20th or even 20th century dates of provenance for the inscriptions might also not be out of the question.

Though there is as yet no complete proposed reading of the stones, some word-forms have been identified which strongly indicate that the stones may be written in a Visayan language with probable traces of the local Ticaonon language. Some word-forms which seem to surface in the text are apparent borrowings from Malay and Javanese such as “bahaya” (danger) which in modern Visayan is “baya.” Other possible word-forms are “batahala” and “balahala” which are names for an ancient Visayan deity which in its original Javanese form is “barahala” but is rendered today as “bathala” in modern Visayan. Other possible word-forms in Visayan and the local language seem to point to a ritual or religious usage of the stones.

If the style of the inscriptions and some lexical traits are taken at face value, questions might be raised as to how a variant of the baybayin system very similar to the Tagalog system, with apparent spacings between words and “virama” looking diacritical marks arrived on the island of Ticao, Masbate? Moreover, how is it possible that it should contain ostensibly archaic lexical items of a seemingly non-Christian derivation (if these are indeed valid readings)? A theory which might account for these questions is a possible connection to 18th century religious revivalisms and so-called “nativist revolts” in the Visayas. However, the anthropological and historical contextual frame of such a theory still has to be constructed, and this task must necessarily be accomplished around a plausible reading of the inscriptions that can overcome and explain their purported anomalous characteristics. Other promising research directions must also be identified and pursued in a collaborative and interdisciplinary manner.

However one cannot discount the possibility that the authenticity of the “Baybayin Stones” of Ticao may never be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties. These may also turn out to be of a more recent origin than may be acceptable to those who wish for an earlier date in the distant past. Whatever may be the case, this discovery may jolt the Philippine scholarly community to give more attention to developing baybayin studies with greater historical and anthropological depth. These inscribed stones may also provide certain new and exciting perspectives on the study of Visayan history. Finally, it might provide a channel through which young people and schoolchildren might learn more about their own history and culture.

The UP Ticao-Masbate Anthropological Project Team, with some other invited speakers knowledgeable on the subject, discussed their preliminary results with a conference held on August 5-6, 2011 on the island itself. The other convenors of the conference are the Department of Education (Region 5), the Local Government of Monreal, Masbate, the Masbate Provincial Government, the National Museum and 170+ Talaytayan MLE Incorporated. Another conference will also be held in Manila in the coming months.

Martes, Agosto 9, 2016


By: Juan Escandor Jr.

First Posted 00:07:00 12/13/2007
Filed Under: Archaeology, history, Regional authorities

NAGA CITY - A pre-Hispanic burial urn at the Museo de Concilliar de Naga in Naga City speaks of Bicol?s Ibalon epic starring King Handiong, according to a study of a Filipino anthropologist.

Dr. Zeus Salazar believes that the urn?s cover design also reflects the period when the inhabitants of the archipelago were starting to relate with their Indo-Malaysian neighbors.

A summa cum laude graduate of history from the University of the Philippines with a doctorate in ethnology from the University of Paris, Salazar interpreted the design figures to be characters and creatures of the Ibalon epic.

His study was published as a book titled; Liktao at Epiko, Ang Takip ng Tapayang Libingan ng Libmanan, Camarines Sur.?

The urn cover, with a 32-centimeter circumference, details enigmatic forms and figures around a pyramid-like center that convey lines from the ancient epic.


Salazar does not consider Handiong's story a real ethno-epic, or a living tradition intertwined with people?s beliefs and religious practices, like the Darangen of the Maranaw, Ulahingan of the Manobo, and Olaging from Bukidnon.

It narrates the mystical origins of the first man and woman of Aslon and Ibalon (now the provinces of Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon, Catanduanes and Masbate), and the exploits of the warrior-leader Handiong, one of the heroes of Ibalon.

Handiong, as the epic goes, fought a giant cyclops for 10 months, defeated the winged Tiburon and the fierce Sarimao, and won over the seductive serpent Oriol before starting a village.

The place prospered. Soon, the inhabitants invented farm implements.

According to curator Fabie Arejola, some historical buffs have speculated that the burial urn, unearthed in 1982 in Bigaho, Libmanan, might have contained the remains of Handiong himself.

In the epic, Handiong was the king of Libmanan who sent 1,000 warriors led by Bantong to kill the half-man, half-beast giant monster Rabot. Bantong slew Rabot while sleeping in a cave dwelling.

Handiong and his warriors came to Ibalon (Spanish colonizers once called Bicol the Tierra de Ybalon) to ?clear? the place and start planting, but the king was challenged by a serpent called Uryol or Oriol who later became a close ally in building the region?s civilization.

Arejola said the urn had yet to be carbon-dated to determine its age, but she said several experts had already examined and concluded its authenticity and prehistory, while others were skeptical.

Salazar traced the publisher of the ?fragmented? five-part Ibalon epic to Spanish friar Jose Castaño in the 1800s.

He ascertained that another friar, Bernardino Melendreras, wrote it in Spanish, using a European literary form in one part. But he finds the remaining parts ?more authentic.?

The anthropologist compared and correlated the designs and contents of the burial urn with those of similar artifacts found elsewhere in the Philippines to arrive at the period of 5000 BC to 10 AD when the burial urn cover was crafted.

Salazar traced its source from the villages of Poro or Bigaho in Libmanan, which the driver of artifact collector Dr. Ermelo Almeda said they frequented to buy artifacts in the 1980s. Almeda died in 1998 and left no catalogue of his large collection, ranging from fossilized dinosaur eggs and Stone Age instruments to Chinese porcelain wares.

Poro and Bigaho were mentioned by German-Russian ethnologist Fedor Jagor in 1851 archeological finds, such as human remains, deer horns, plates and pots, during a road construction, Salazar said.


National Museum officials consulted on the burial urn cover, however, doubted the authenticity of the piece. It was bought from an artifacts digger and not discovered through scientific methods of archeology, they said.

Dr. Jesus J. Peralta, a retired anthropologist and archeologist of the National Museum, wrote that ?the burial urn with minaret-like cover with incised designs was bought from a vendor, so that it cannot be ascertained where it came from, which was more likely from Mindanao.?

But Salazar said the absence of a scientific archeological process could be satisfied with ?topologically comparing and correlating a piece with pieces discovered in situ.? He cited the museum?s burial urn with a conical cover which was excavated in Calatagan, Batangas, as one example of one authentic piece not obtained in situ.

The National Museum even declared the Calatagan urn a national treasure and the ?first artifact ? to contain evidence of ancient Philippine writing,? he said.

Trying to interpret the figures and the tableau on the cover of the Libmanan urn, Salazar followed the three triangular divisions joined by a central pyramid-like figure. Each division contains figures that he believed were characters of the Ibalon epic or depictions of people?s life in pre-Hispanic Bicol.

 Salazar named the groupings ?Ang Tatsulok ng Bungo (Triangle of the Skull),? ?Ang Tatsulok ng Araw (Triangle of the Sun),? and ?Ang Tatsulok ng Bibig (Triangle of the Mouth),? based on the differentiating figure in each of the three sides of the tower-like structure. He considered them episodes of the epic.

?Ang Tatsulok ng Bungo? has a miniature head-like figure that Salazar sees as a skull. He explained that it lacked features to represent a human head, like hair, discernible face, teeth, ears, while its discernible eyes were mere points.

A container before the skull with two elongated figures tries to depict a ritual offering to the ancestors practiced by pre-Hispanic Filipinos, he said.

Ang Tatsulok ng Araw has carabao and sun representations, with at least 21 discernible rays drawn on one side of the central tower-like figure and four, points on the surface on the right side of the animal.

Salazar inventoried the figures as indicating what were lost. He explained that the scene reflected the prehistoric time because, he said, the carabao had no nose ring and did not pull a plow. The Spanish colonizers introduced the plow, he said.

He considers the Ang Tatsulok ng Bibig the most complete composition. He identified a crawling human figure holding in the right hand a crocodile; another human figure that seemed to be kneeling, head toward the mouth-like opening; two deer-like figures and another animal-like figure.

Salazar interpreted those to refer to an episode in the epic in which Handiong consulted the serpent. The mouth-like opening, he said, was actually a cave entrance, the protruded ?tongue? a serpent, and the kneeling figure, Handiong.


100-million-year-old fossil found in Bicol

A joint team of Filipino and Japanese scientists has discovered on this island in Bicol ammonite fossils said to be 100 million years old, the Catanduanes Tribune said in its March 24 issue.

Ammonite Discovered at the Silungan ng Higante (Giant’s Haven) deep in the forest of Dugui Wala, barangay San Vicente in this capital town in Bicol region in the south of Luzon, Dr. Yasanuri Shigeta of the National Museum for Nature and Science (NMNS) in Tokyo, Japan, said last week that they found the fossils of nine ammonite species in the area, the first of its kind found in Southeast Asia.

Classified among prehistoric animals, the Nationalgeographic.com said ammonites first appeared about 240 million years ago, though they descended from straight-shelled cephalopods called bacrites that date back to the Devonian, about 415 million years ago.

Ammonites were predatory, squid-like creatures that lived inside coil-shaped shells. They were prolific breeders, lived in schools and are among the most abundant fossils found today. They went extinct with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Scientists use the various shapes and sizes of ammonite shells that appeared and disappeared through the ages to date other fossils.

The most important among the species found by the team, Shigeta said in the Tribune article, is the Mortoniceras, the first found in Southeast Asia.

Although the species is believed to be widely distributed in North America, Japan and India, Shigeta said, none had been found in those areas.

“Mortoniceras is an index ammonite, meaning its presence would indicate the age of the rock it is embedded in as about 100 million years old or in the Cretaceous period,” the Japanese scientist said in Catanduanes Tribune, noting that his team would be the first to study it.

He added that the ammonites recently found in Mansalay, Mindoro, are about 160 million years old (Jurassic period) while those found in Comagaycay, San Andres, Catanduanes, is 110 million years old.

Joining the team which undertook the exploration from March 15 to 18 was NMNS curator-in-chief Dr. Tomoki Kase. Also with them were Dr. Yolanda Aguilar, Wenceslao Mago and Emolyn Azurin of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) of the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources, MGB geology division chief Roberto de Ocampo and curator Priscila Ong of the Philippine National Museum.
The undertaking was in connection with a joint research project on “Collection Building and Natural History Studies in the Philippines: Tracing the Origin of High Marine Biodiversity in the Indo-Pacific through Fossil Studies.”

Virac personnel officer Oseas Alberto joined the team. Alberto first discovered the ammonite site by accident in 2007 while on a trek to get samples of small endemic fishes in mountain streams and rivers for possible breeding purposes.

The Catanduanes Tribune published the Alberto story on the find that year which caught the attention of the National Museum, and sent a team to the site in April 2009, the news report said.

The team also found part of a fossil of a belemnite, an extinct group of marine cephalopods very similar to the squid and closely related to the cuttlefish, the news report said.

The belemnites possessed an ink sac, but unlike the squid, they had 10 arms and no tentacles. The part that remained of the belemnite, which could be as long as three meters or 10 feet, is the back part of the shell and it looks like a slender bullet, the Tribune said.

The Japanese experts said in the news report that the Dugui ammonites could be found in a one-meter layer of sandstone at the bottom of the Silungan ng Higante rock outcrop, with the belemnite finds in the 20-centimeter thick muddy sandstone just below it.

While the Comagaycay site is older than the Dugui site, Aguilar said in Tribune that the Silungan site is far more biologically diverse because it has seashells, gastropods, sea urchins, squids, annelids or segmented worms and rudists, which are bivalves of a strange shape.

The team also went three kilometers up the Comagaycay River to look for ammonite samples but found only a small one embedded in a rocky bank.

The site was discovered by a geologist, a certain Sendon from the MGB regional office for Bicol based in Legazpi City in 1984 while the agency and Japanese expert Dr. Wataro Hashimoto found protozoan microscopic fossils belonging to the Cretaceous period at Bunag-bunag point in the same town, the news report said.

While the team did not find any fossil of a marine reptile, the possibility that there could be remnants of marine dinosaurs in the Silungan site remains, the Tribune said.

Alberto said he is still looking for a huge bone that was said to have been stored by an old man in one of the recesses of a labyrinthine cavern at the top of a rock outcrop.

The study’s objectives are to date the enclosing rock of the fossil and study the life habits of the strange marine animals that existed long before they became extinct, Dr. Shigeta told the Tribune.


Isang Pagtingin sa Natuklasang Bato sa Catanduanes

Nuong Hulyo 12, 2002 sa ilog ng Payo, Panganiban, Catanduanes, nanghuhuli si Arnold Claveron ng mga ulang (Macrobrachium sp.) o freshwater prawns.  Ito ay bahagi ng programa ng Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) na maghanap at manguha ng mga inahin ng iba’t ibang uri ng isda sa tubig tabang. Ito ay kailangan sa pagpapalaganap ng gene pool ng naturang hayop kabilang ang mga hipon at ulang.  Naatasan si G. Claveron na mamuno sa gawaing ito bilang Project Manager ng BFAR Regional Freshwater Fisheries Center sa Camarines Sur.

Nakaugalian na ni G. Claveron na mamulot ng bato at kabibe sa mga lugar na kanyang pinupuntahan. Sa bihayeng ito, nakakita siya ng isang pahaba at hugis-rektanggulo (o parihaba) na bato na naisip niyang dalhin.  Ang mga ulang naman ay inilakbay ng mahigit sa kalahating araw patungo sa bagong tahanan na nakalaan sa kanila sa Fisheries Center, Bula, Camarines Sur.

Kinakailangan ni Arnold ng marami pang ispesimen kung kaya’t pinagaralan niyang mabuti ang mas magandang paraan sa paghuli at pagbiyahe ng iba’t ibang isda at ulang. Sa kanyang pag-aaral, nabasa ni Arnold noong 2004 ang pamamaraan ng pagbiyahe ng isda na walang tubig na natuklasan ng isang Filipino marine scientist na si Bonifacio Comandante.  Dagling nagkaroon ng kagustuhan si Arnold sa paraan ni Bonifacio subali’t dumaan pa ang ilang taon bago nagsalubong ang kanilang landas.

Ito ay nangyari noong si G. Comandante ang naging pangunahing tagapagsalita sa BFAR Regional Workshop on Action Research na ginanap sa Tabaco City noong Mayo 26-27, 2009 na siyang dinaluhan din ni Arnold.  Nagkapalagayang-loob ang dalawa at pagkatapos ng pagtitipon ay inanyayahan ni Arnold si Bonifacio na magsalita naman sa mahigit na isang daang mangingisda sa Bula, Camarines Sur hinggil sa tuklas-pamamaraan sa pagpapatulog ng isda.

Sa opisina ni Arnold nakita ni Bonifacio ang kakaibang hugis ng bato na nakuha sa ilog ng Payo.  Kalimitang ginagamit lamang ni Arnold ang bato na pabigat sa papel.  Ngunit may sapantaha si Bonifacio tungkol sa bato kaya ito ay kaniyang hiniling at ipinagkaloob naman ni Arnold.

Naisip ni Bonifacio na maaaring ginamit ang bato na pangkalang sa kabibe o taklobo (Tridacna sp.), kagaya ng ilang katutubong pamamaraan sa pagkuha ng taklobo mula sa ilalim ng dagat.  Isang halimbawa nito ay ang salaysay ni Galo, isang Tagbanua sa Burabod, Culion, Palawan, na ang pagkalang ng bato sa pagitan ng bahay ng kabibe habang ito ay nakabuka pa sa ilalim ng dagat ay mabisa upang mapanatiling buka ang taklobo.  Gayon din ang sinabi ni Miro Umhom, isang Hanunoo Mangyan sa Panaytayan, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, na ang katutubong salitang tuklang ay nangangahulugan ng pagkalang sa manlot (taklobo sa Mangyan) upang mapanatiling nakabuka ang kabibe.

Ang bato na nakuha ni Arnold ay karaniwang tinatawag na buhay na bato sa Bicol dahil sa pino at makinis na panlabas  pati na ang kapansin-pansing tingkad ng kulay itim. Ito ay may sukat na 12 x 3 x 1.5 cm.  Nakatatawag-pansin din ang marahil na pagkakaukit ng hugis na V sa isang dulo ng bato.

Sa pagsisiyasat sa bato, ang unang katanungan na kailangang sagutin ay kung ano ang batayan para sabihin na ito nga ay nagpapakita na may sinadya na pagbabago dulot ng gawa ng tao.

Ang bato ay ginamit ng tao sa sumusunod na kadahilanan:
  •  Ang makinis na kanto sa dalawang bahagi ng bato, lalo na sa makitid na parte nito ay hindi marahil dulot ng pangkalikasang pangyayari o natural process of weathering (Larawan 1 baba).
  •  Ang hugis na V sa dulo ng bato ay nakalubog at banaag pa ang daan na  tipong  nagawa sa paraan ng paghahasa. Muli, mahirap itong mangyari sa hindi sinadya o natural na kaparaanan (Larawan 1 masbaba).
  • Hindi pareho ang kinis o texture ng mukha ng bato. Sa isang isang panig nito ay malaking bahagi ng datirating anyo o natural cortex ng bato ay wala na, imbes ay mayroong di pantay na magaspang na katangian na mapapansin sa hugis ng bato at may ilang mga natirang makinis na bahagi. Nang siniyasat ang mukha ng bato sa ilalim ng microscope na may magnipikasyon na x 10 at x 20, lumalabas na hindi pantay-pantay ang hugis ng bato lalo na sa paligid ng natitirang cortext ng bato na may epekto na parang pausbong o relief (Larawan 2).
Walang duda na ang bato ay ginamit ng tao (bago pa ito ginawang pabigat sa papel). Kung kailan ito ginamit sa unang  pagkakataon ay mahirap na malaman sapagkat napulot lamang sa tabi ng ilog.  Ang makinis na mga kanto nito, lalo na sa mga makitid na bahagi ay nagpapakita ng pagsasaayos o aksyon ng pagkikinis na maaaring sinadya – hinugis para sa isang gamit, o dili kaya’y hindi sinadya  – ito ay kuminis dahil sa gamit ng bato, may kilos na nagdulot ng pagkakinis nito.

Kung tatangapin na inukit ng tao ang isang mukha ng bato, ang maaring dahilan nito ay para lumabas ang anyo ng sulat baybayin na “Ka”,  na nagbibigay patotoo sa pagtingin ni Comandate na ito’y gamit na parang ‘tuklang’.

Ito’y isang panimulang pag-uulat sa maaaring kahalagaan ng isang batong sinauna o artifact na nakita sa Catanduanes.  May ilang maaari pang gawin sa hinaharap na panahon upang patibayin o kontrahin ang pananaw tungkol sa bato sa ngayon. Una, tingnan ang bato sa higit na mataas na  magnification gamit ang isang Scanning Electron Microscope kung saan  kakasya ang buong bato upang mapatunayang  ang mukha ng bato kung nasaan ang mga hugis parang baybayin ay inukit nga. Ang Historiographical  Institute sa Okinawa, Japan na tumutulong sa Pambansang Museo ng Pilipinas ang isang halimbawa ng maaaring pagdalahan ng bato.

Sa ngayon ay nalalaman natin na may dalawang halimbawa ng katutubong salaysay o ethnography sa pagkuha ng taklobo sa dagat na galing sa Mindoro at Palawan.  Marahil ay makakikita pa ng mga bagay na sadyang inukol na halimbawa ng tuklang at maililimbag ang paraan ng paggamit nito.  Maihahambing din sa hugis ng bato na siyang magpapalakas ng pagpasya kung ito nga ay may kinalalaman sa ganitong gawain.  Nakakatuwang isipin ang mga maaaring direksyon ng pananaliksik sa hinaharap.

Pasasalamat kay Dr. Mijares at Dr. Pawlik sa pagtingin din sa bato at sa kanilang opinyon.

*Comandante, Bonifacio Jr and Victor Paz, 2009. Isang Pagtingin sa Natuklasang Bato sa Catanduanes: TEST PIT, Chronicle of the University of the Philippines, Archaeological Studies Program. No. 14 p. 18-20


STONE-AGE ARTIFACTS FOUND IN BICOL - Cave men lived here 3,000 years ago

SORSOGON, Sorsogon (ANFI) – From a nearby rain forest, a man in hairy animal clothing emerges carrying a wild boar on his shoulder while a woman, apparently his wife, builds a fire in the yard. She keeps an eye on her two naked frolicking small boys.

Their cogon house, almost similar in shape to the snow house of the Eskimos has only one opening, a door showing the damp, dark interior of the dwelling. The house has no windows.

This was what people saw in their minds when reports came out that artifacts about 3,000 years old, were discovered in a limestone cave in barrio Bato Bacon, Sorsogon, sometime ago.

They surmised that the first cave man walked in Bacon thousands of years ago.

The artifacts which consisted of burial jars with human bones intact, stone implements and drinking cups and used by the early cave dwellers were found by a team of archeologists headed by Dr. Robert Fox in 1956.

The description of the first cavemen in Europe: farmers cultivating green crops and using pottery and other stone implements is not much different from the description of the first ancient man in Bicol.

The oldest relics of man were found in 1977 by Mrs. Mary Leakey, a British lady archeologist, beneath the volcanic ashes at Latolil in Tanzania, Africa. The relics consisted of some teeth and jawbone of an adult, about 3,700 years ago.

Absalon Empleo, an investigator of the Commission on Human Rights in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, who is making a research on the history of the town said that another ancient burial site which yielded 2,000-years-old artifacts was discovered in San Juan, Bacon, Sorsogon.

The artifacts now at the National Museum in Manila will be sent back to Bacon when the town has finished building a museum for cultural treasures.

(Asian News & Features)

MERITO B. ESPINAS (Author of Ibalong)

Si Merito B. Espinas sarong Bikolanong parasurat, iskolar, asin edukador. Siya an kaggibo kan librong Ibalong.

Siya tapos sa kolehiyo, A.B. sa Pilosopiya, M.A. sa Ingles (Meritissimus) asin Ph.D. Siya an 1965 Bipradas Palchaudhuri fellow kan Unibersidad kan Calcutta sa India. Nagin man siyang profesor nin pilosopiya, comparative religion, literatura, speech asin Ingles, sa humanidades asin sa syensya sosyal.

Nagtokdo siya nin Oriental Philosophy sa Graduate School kan Unibersidad kan Sto Tomas asin nagin sarong beses paratokdo sa Unibersidad kan Nueva Caceres sa syudad kan Naga. Sa Aquinas na Unibersidad kan Legazpi kinaptan niya bilang pamayo, sa magkairibang panahon, an Departamento sa Ingles, Literatura asin Speech, sa Departamento kan Syensya Sosyal, kan Humanidades asin Behavioral Sciences, asin nagin man siyang Assistant Dean kan Graduate School. Sa Bicol University, nagin siyang dean kan College of Arts and Sciences.

Dakulon pa man siyang mga sinurat na nalagda' sa mga magasin, msa pang-iskolar na journal, sa mga peryodiko asin mga libro na an tinotokar iyo an sa pilosopiya, literatura, relihiyon, kultura asin Ingles.

Kan 1983, nagin siyang editor kan Bikol Voices Anthology na an mga napapalaman mga artikulo tinokda' kan mga Bikolanong parasurat.

Komo dakul an saiyang pinagkakainteresan, nag'adal man siya sa mga bagay-bagay na supernormal, mga istoryang banwaan, sa historya asin kultura, sa arkeolohiya asin siring man sa kapalibutan asin sa mga isyung ekolohiko.

Source: http://bcl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merito_Espinas


An epikong Ibalong dai pa determinado kun siisay talaga an nagsurat kaini sa tekstong Kastila.

An Kastilang teksto kaini maguguno sa sinurat ni Padre Jose Castaño sa saiyang artikulong "Breve noticia acerca del origen, religion, creencias y supersticiones de los antiguos Indios del bicol" na napalakip sa Archivo del bibliofilo filipino, vol. I, na an nagtipon man iyo si Wenceslao Retana asin ipinublikar kan Impr. de la viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios duman sa Madrid,España, taon 1895.

Kaya an iba naghuna an kagsurat kaini iyo si Padre Castaño, pero ini an nasambit ni Merito B. Espinas sa bagay na ini,(Ibalong, p. 48) "...na si Fray Bernardino Melendreras y de la Trinidad asin bako si Fray Jose Castaño, na iyo an pigtutubod kan dakul, an orihinal na nagpompon kan epikong ini sa Bikol asin dangan saiyang ipinalis sa Kastila mapapatunayan ni Valentin Marin y Morales sa saiyang Ensayo de una sentisis de los trabajos realizados por los corporaciones religiosos españoles de Filipinas, Tomo 2, Estableciemnto Tipogreafico del Colegio Santo tomas, Manila: 1901, p. 596, na kun saen nabanggit niya na si Fray Bernardino Melendreras, nagsurat sa Kastila nin sarong orog-orog (poesia) dapit sa antigong kinaugalean kan mga Indio sa Albay, na tituladong Ibal, sarong 400-na-pahinang manuskrito na kun saen nagsapi' si Castaño kan rawitdawit na Ibalong na nakalakip sa artikulong ginibo niya asin ikinaag ni Wenceslao Retana sa Archivo kan 1895:

"La poesia que trae el Jose Castaño en su obrita publicada por Retana en 1985 esta tomada de Ibal del P. Melendreras." --- na boot sabihon kinua man lang daa ni Castaño, sabi ni Valentin Marin, an rawitdawit-epikong ini sa Ibal ni P. Melendreras.

An problema man daa ta sagkod ngonyan dai pang nahahanap na kopya kan obra ini ni Melendreras, kaya an argumento ni Jose Calleja Reyes, na sagkod dai pa mapaluwas an sinabing Ibal tutubodon niyang si Jose Castaño pa an masabing autor kan Kastilang teksto.

Iyo ini an rason na pigdara ni Reyes sa saiyang librong pinalagda', an Bikol Maharlika ta sabi niya ngani sagkod na mayo an corpus delicti, komo sarong abogado siya, dai dapat pagtubodon. Si Reyes binikol man an Ibalong asin mababasa ini sa libro niyang Bikol Maharlika (p. 64-82) asin tinampadan niya man kan tinagalog na bersyon ni Arturo Camua Sampana.

Si Jaime T. Malanyaon ilinakip man niya an bersyon na bikol ni Leoncio F. Elopre sa saiyang librong Istorya Kan Kabikolan (p. 514-523).

An iba nagdududa ngani na totoong epiko ini kan Bikol ta may mga elemento ini hale asin nakakaagid sa mga epiko kan Griyego arog kan persona ni Hercules na agid-agidan sa gawe ni Handiong saka ni Baltog, duwang importanteng heroe sa Ibalong. Garo soboot daa gibo-gibo lang ni Melendreras. An iba man nagsasabi autenticong osipon nin gugurang ta may mga elementong tinubo arog kan mga bukid na Kolasi, Hamtik, Isarog asin kan mga lugar na nasususog pa ngonyan arog kan Ponong (sa Magarao?), Panikwason (sa may pamitisan kan Isarog), Inarihan na salog o kan Kotmo' (sa may Pasacao). Asin an mga termino sa mga kagamitan na minukna arog kan "gatang", "surod", "landok" asbp mga termino lumaon na sa bikol.

Ano ta dai lamang nasambitan an bulkan Mayon sa epikong ini? An bukid na "Masaraga" na "aki pa." naenot pang marhay sa pagtuhaw asin huri na nagtalubo an Mayong? Kun hihilingon sa Vocabulario ni Lisboa, an "masaga" boot sabihon "malaad", "mabanaag" o sa Kastila, "...que relumbre mucho." Bako daw na an bulkan Masaraga naglalaad pang gayo kun naputok kumpara sa mga gurang nang bukid arog kan Isarog o Asog?

Sabi ni Stephen Sergio, sarong parasurat, an "Mayong" hale sa Buhi-non na taramon na "ma'yong" na boot sabihon "boklod, bukid" asin inaapod ninda an tinutuboan pa sana nin suso nin nagdadaraga na "moro-ma'yong". Ma-oyon ini sa analisis na an epiko antigo nang maray asin enot pang maray na naglakop sa panahon na an Ma'yong nagtatalubo pa sana. Totoo, kahurihan kan kag-anom (16) na Siglo, inaapod na kan mga Bikolnon an bulkan na iyan na "Ma'yong" susog sa natala' ni Lisboa.

Naggikan an mga taga-Buhi sa Albay mansana asin nangaranan sindang Buhi-non ta sinda su mga "nakabuhi"   (nakadurulag) kan tuminuga an Ma'yong.

Nota: An sinurat ni Fray Jose Castaño napalaman asin nakukua sa Archivo del bibliofilo filipino, vol. I, na an nagtipon man iyo si Wenceslao Emilio Retana y Gamboa asin ipinublikar kan Impr. de la viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios duman sa Madrid,España, taon 1895.

Source: http://bcl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibalong